Life & All Else - Live Chat Session

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Someone must have read my stream of consciousness. I love to say all these words first thing in the morning after my morning prayer. With the Russian war against Ukraine, these powerful words describe what the world really need. It also needs above all Godliness.

Posted by : Homina Santos on 03/09
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Godliness, why praybyte collective mind did not think of that?

Posted by : Homina Santos on 03/09
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Just uttering these words make me feel wonderful

Posted by : St James Appleton on 03/19 Ref : Homina Santos
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This is wonderful

Posted by : Xavier Ubbin on 04/05 Ref : Homina Santos
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Well done!

Posted by : Jess Lam on 04/05
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That is awesome!

Posted by : James Payoute on 04/05 Ref : Jess Lam

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